Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 27 Meeting Minutes by Glenn Kurosaki

Meeting: June 27, 2007

Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Dona Rawson, Kelly Montgomery, Julie Riddell, Tammy Graf, Nancy Sellers, Daniel Shudo, Hugh MacNair, Jon Tsuchiyama, Randy Farber, Debbie Mollner, Michael Nikaido, Marietta Moyeda-Sperry and Glenn Kurosaki.

Meeting Site:Maguire Aviation, Van Nuys

A Big Thank You goes out to Tammy Graf and Maguire Aviation for making their office conference facilities available for our meeting.

Committee Reports:

1.After Reunion Brunch: Randy and Dan report that the Hotel does not currently host a Sunday brunch but they do serve breakfast that runs into lunch. It was also reported that the Universal Hilton located up the hill does have a Sunday brunch but it costs $30.00 plus. Randy also reports that Jerry’s Deli, which is located down the hill from the hotel, has a large enough room but will require a minimum number of people and a deposit.

The group decided to hold the after reunion brunch at the Universal Sheraton restaurant during the breakfast and early lunch hours. Randy will contact the hotel restaurant a few weeks before the reunion to inform them of our plans. We hope to have a portion of the restaurant, or the pool area, set aside for our group.

2.Trivia Sheet: Debbie and Dona have prepared a list of trivia questions for placement on the tables at the reunion. Some additional questions were developed at the meeting. Answers to the questions will be revealed at a time tbd.

3.Memorabilia: Tammy reports that she is in the process of freshening up the boards from the 20th reunion and her committee will be preparing several new ones. There should be between 10 to 15 boards.

4.Gifts: Josie was not present for the meeting, however, the group decided that each member will secure at least one gift to be given as door prizes.

5.Slide Show: Dan reports that he needs more photos.

General discussions:

Glenn reported that the Reunion Committee, Inc. (the “RC”) has revised their mailing list following the completion of their major research. The RC will be doing their next mailing within the next few weeks. (As an update, the RC has confirmed that it will be doing it next mailer the week of July 2nd.) Glenn next stated that there are still a number of classmates that have not been found. They are listed as missing persons on the Reunion Committee’s website. It was agreed that the group members take a look at the missing persons list and see if there are any persons who we can locate through our personal contacts.

Next, Dan prepared the room to shoot short video commercials advertising the reunion. The commercials can be seen at and at

The group decided upon the next two meeting dates. The next meeting will be on July 25, 2007 at 7:00 pm at Maguire Aviation located at 7155 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, CA. Committee heads should be prepared to show completion of most assignments.

Buzz the telcom at the gate and let the operator know that you are visiting Tammy.

The next meeting will be on August 15, 2007 at a place to be determined.

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